Monday, November 5, 2007

That Green Monster Called Envy

There was one time I felt a little envious of someone, and I told my brother about it. He was like, "Naiinggit ka dyan? do you even know where they get the money they're spending? Yuck, kadiri ka. Naiinggit ka dun?!" When I saw his reply in our chatbox (we were chatting on YM then, like I do with my mom and brothers everyday), I felt like I bumped my head on a concrete wall.

Oo nga naman... why be envious of others when you got it going good for yourself? I mean, I have a sturdy roof over my head, I eat three square meals a day (plus snacks), I have warm, comfortable clothes on my body, I am healthy, I am making a decent income on something I started just as a hobby, I can go anywhere without worrying how to get there, and the list goes on.

Why be envious at all?

Perhaps these people are doing something that I haven't done yet?

-But nothing's stopping me.. there are no barriers where I stand.

Perhaps I can't because I do not have the means, financially?

-It can be one problem, though there are ways to remedy this.

Maybe because I want to be talked about?

-I don't think so.

Then why be green with envy?

-Because it's human nature.

Human beings are insatiable in nature. We long for things we do not have, or wish for others' lives to be just like theirs. We wish to go to places we haven't been to that others have and seem to have enjoyed, we crave for things that are not in our reach... We want to be envied.

It's evil, really. And the more you sink into it, the more unproductive, miserable and desperate you become. It's a sickness, a disease that can eat up your insides and drive you to doing things that you may and will regret having done later on.

What do we do then?


Corny as it may sound, prayer does a lot of wonders.

Seek forgiveness and mercy for planting such thoughts and feelings in yourself. Pray for peace of mind, for calmness and solemnity, for contentment and satisfaction. Be thankful of what you have, and what you do not have. Learn to accept what is given to you and not, and be mindful of the fact that there are others who wish to be in your shoes. Just think about it... It's that simple, really.

So the next time you get jealous of someone, think first... is it really worth getting jealous over? Or is the big ugly green monster called Envy dancing around my innocent (or not-so-innocent) mind again? Swat the thought away and do something productive...aim high and reach for the stars. You'll never get anywhere if you just sit there sulking... MOVE. NOW!

(--this is just one of those nights when something keeps playing over and over in my mind. i think i'm hungry lang...8mcdo or yellow cab? they both deliver 24hours, right? hehe..I'll probably talk about gluttony next


About Me

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*MUSLIM * wife * mother * blogger * online shopper * CBTL/Starbucks fan * sweets is my kryptonite *


Background by Jennifer Furlotte / Pixels and IceCream