Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Abdul Jabbar, Hamza's younger brother, left for the States yesterday.

Was it unexpected? Super.

Is it for good? That we don't know... yet.

Just like any parent, I know my in-laws have the best of intentions to send him off albeit so unexpectedly and suddenly for everyone, even for AJ. I believe it will help him mature into a mature young man, who can do things for himself, weigh things carefully before reaching a decision, be responsible for all his thoughts and deeds and Inshaallah, have a stronger faith in the Almighty Allah (swt).

It was saddening to seeing a family member off to another country, knowing you won't be seeing him for the longest time. It feels different from seeing off a family member go to the province, and to those who have family living abroad, I'm pretty sure you know what I mean. When a loved one flies off to the province or anywhere else in the country, you don't feel as sad; you get this feeling that he or she is "just there", within proximity..andito lang sa Pilipinas. But when someone goes to live somewhere else where you belong in different time zones, that's something else. Sure, it's just a plane ride away, but you need a passport and have to get a visa to get approved, have plane fare to and fro (unless you're just getting a one-way ticket and go TNT!), accomodations and spending money while you're there (of course, you can't expect them to shoulder everything for you).. Lotsa things to consider..makes my head ache.

I kind of feel sorry that he'll be missing out on a hell of a lot of things-- Ate Mai giving birth in March, Najah's graduation (yes, I can feel he cares for that), the birthday celebrations, weddings, family movie nights-out at the mall, foodtrips, roadtrips, watching the kids grow, just hanging out at home with the rest of the sibs...He'll be missing out on a lot. But if this move is for his good (and I'm all for it), then he better just grin and bear it. Sure he'll get homesick, but once he gets the hang of it, he'll love it there. And a lot of people would gladly trade places with him if they could. Me? Nah... prolly just to visit.. I have my eye on another country, though.

Oh well, AJ...

make good dear bro. Please don't veer off from your priorities and responsibilities. You have a lot resting on your shoulders, and boy am I not kidding when I say "a lot".

Good luck (you'll be needing a lot of it!)!



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*MUSLIM * wife * mother * blogger * online shopper * CBTL/Starbucks fan * sweets is my kryptonite *


Background by Jennifer Furlotte / Pixels and IceCream